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The Nun Kicks Off A Scary Fall Season

Anybody got some Chapstick? My lips are DRY honey!

I have a confession to make, I have not seen either Conjuring movies. Before you toss all of my credibility out of the window, consider there are only so many hours in a day to watch movies and I'm not big on the supernatural ones. As low rent as some folks make it sound, I'm more of a slasher/serial killer kind of guy. The stuff that puts me on the edge of my seat tends to be that which could really happen.

The Nun serves as somewhat of a prequel to The Conjuring series and looks a little more grounded than those films. Here's another bit of a reveal about me, my people are from Romania and this film takes place there. In short, I'm saying that "I'm all in". There's one more reason why I'm buying in and that is Taissa Farmiga, sister of Vera Farmiga who played the mother in Bates Motel (and is also in a hundred bazillion horror movies).

The Nun will kick off what looks to be a spooky fall season this Thursday.

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